Reach helps you find the right people to fill the needs your practice has. Our attention to detail and ability to source amazing talent is what makes us the preferred source for virtual assistants for Crown Council.
We screen for English proficiency and work experience. Once we find the right fit, you can train them on your office procedures.
If you are trying to add a qualified team member to your front office staff, Reach is a great place to start!
Not only are team members hired through Reach cost effective, we also have extremely high retention, so that you don't have to worry about training and retraining.
Our dedicated agents are hard working, loyal and grateful. The perfect combination for a great front office employee.
“Reach has helped us scale our marketing team to support our organization in a very cost effective way. We have added extremely skilled team members who are loyal and love what they are doing. Can't recommend Reach for hiring virtual assitants enough!”